Donations Needed


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Electrathon Race Wish List
On May 9,2002 thieves broke into our trailer stored at Centennial High school and stole all of our hand tools and our entire set of sprockets.  It is a terrible setback for our team. 

The new school year is starting, it is time once again to prepare our cars for the next racing season.  Some of our students graduated last year, new students are joining us this year.  Last season was our best season ever, we both won and placed in many of the races we entered, 11 races in this year alone.  Our skill as a team is improving constantly.  We have yet to have a season that we were not faster and more completive than the year before.  A special thank you to all those who have helped.

There are many items that we will be needing this season.  If you or your company can help us please contact us.  All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated!
Sponsors name will appear on side of race car and/or trailer and web site.

Please cut and paste the portion below into an email or print it out to snail mail
Thank you for your generous donation.

A tax deductible receipt will be issued upon receipt of donation

Mail donations to: Aaron Williams, Centennial High School, PO Box 1863, Gresham, OR 97030

 Yes, I will contribute $_______ to Centennial High School Electrathon Race
Corporate Logo/Name will appear on race car and/or trailer.
Acknowledgement on Electrathon Race Website

Company Name     _________________________________________
Contact Name     _________________________________________
Address        _________________________________________
Phone        _________________________________________

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This site was last updated 09/04/02